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Alispo International

Vasectomy Instrument Set

Alispo International produces Vasectomy Instrument Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.

Instrument Set Contents

Quantity Name Description Size
1 Scalpel Handle #3 W/Metric Scale …..
1 Iris Scissor Straight Sharp/Sharp 4 1/2″
1 Iris Scissor Straight Sharp/Sharp 4 1/2″
1 Metz Stand Scissor Curved Tc 7″
1 Adson Dressing Forcep Serrated Delicate 4 3/4″
1 Adson Dressing Forcep 1×2 Delicate 4 3/4″
2 Halsted Mosquito Forceps Straight 5″
2 Halsted Mosquito Forceps Curved 5″
4 Towel Clamps Backhaus 3 1/2″
1 Mayo Hegar Needle Holder Serrated Tc 5 1/2″
1 Allis Forcep 4×5 5″

Contact our Alispo International sales representative for customizations and pricing of this set.